World Habitat Awards
Transforming unused buildings into homes!
Hastings Commons Community Land Trust: Recognising the dire housing need in Hastings, England and a lack of progress from traditional sources, a set of community-based organisations have worked closely together for a decade to establish Hastings Commons.
Their mission was to take derelict and unused buildings around the White Rock area of Hastings into community custody, and transform them into homes, social spaces and workspaces that will always be affordable and accessible to all of the town’s residents. By rethinking what community-led housing (CLH) can be, Hastings Commons provides a legitimate alternative to conventional housing models: one that doesn’t work for profit, prioritises community ownership, affordability, active participation, and long-term sustainability. Over the past ten years, it has brought 8,500 square metres under community ownership.
At the core of Hastings Commons is a Community Land Trust: A member-led, democratic, non profit organisation that owns and develops land for the benefit of the community, ensuring permanent and genuinely affordability.
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id22: Institut für kreative Nachhaltigkeit
id22: ist eine multidisziplinäre, gemeinnützige und zivilgesellschaftliche Organisation mit Sitz in der Spreefeld Genossenschaft in Berlin.